Creating a job profile

Creating a job profile involves defining the profile and then selecting the object, utility, and exception profiles to be included.


  1. On the Db2 Automation Expert main menu, enter 4 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. Specify selection criteria in the Profile Like and Creator Like fields, or enter the number of recently accessed profiles that you want to see in the Recent Profiles field, or enter values in both sets of fields. Press Enter.
    The profiles that meet your selection criteria or have been recently accessed are listed on the Jobs Profile Display, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Jobs Profile Display
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   ---------- Jobs Profile Display --------- 2023/10/21  15:39:43 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
     Line Commands: B - Build  C - Create  D - Delete  E - Export  H - History      
                    I - Import R - Rename  U - Update  V - View                     
      Profile Like  *                                           Db2 Subsystem: SS01 
      Creator Like  DAJSAMP* Recent Profiles 00            Row 1 of 19           +> 
     Cmd  Name                            Creator   Updt                            
          BEST PRACTICE FULL INCR COPY    DAJSAMPL   V                              
          BEST PRACTICE PBR REORG         DAJSAMPL   V                              
          BEST PRACTICE REORG #1          DAJSAMPL   V                              
          BEST PRACTICE REORG #2          DAJSAMPL   V                              
          BEST PRACTICE REORG #3          DAJSAMPL   V                              
          BEST PRACTICE REORG #4          DAJSAMPL   V                              
          BEST PRACTICE REORG AVOIDANCE   DAJSAMPL   V                              
          BEST PRACTICE RUNSTATS          DAJSAMPL   V                              
          CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION PROFILE   DAJSAMPL   V                              
  3. On the Jobs Profile Display, enter C in the Cmd field and press Enter.
    The window that is shown in the following figure is displayed:
    Figure 2. Enter New Jobs Profile Data window
                        Enter New Jobs Profile Data                   
        Creator . . . . TWUSR                                         
        Profile Name  .                                               
        Description . .                                               
        Update Option . U  (U - Update, V - View only, N - No access) 
  4. On the Enter New Jobs Profile Data window, enter the new profile creator, a profile description, and the profile update option in the fields on the window. The Creator field contains your user ID, but can be modified.
  5. After you complete these fields, press Enter.
    The Generation Options window is displayed. This window is used to specify generation options for the job profile.

What to do next

Review and update the job generation options.