Specifying LISTDEF, TEMPLATE and OPTIONS utility control statements

Db2 Automation Expert can build LISTDEF, TEMPLATE and OPTIONS utility control statements.

About this task

Db2 Automation Expert can build syntax for the following utility control statements:

  • The LISTDEF control statement defines a list of objects and assigns a name to the list.
    Restriction: LISTDEFS will not be generated for Db2 Recovery Expert image copy utility jobs.
  • The TEMPLATE utility control statement lets you allocate data sets, without using JCL DD cards, during the processing of LISTDEF list. TEMPLATE syntax can only be built for COPY, COPYTOCOPY, and REORG TABLESPACE utilities.
    Restriction: TEMPLATE syntax cannot be generated for Db2 Recovery Expert image copy utility jobs.
  • The OPTIONS utility control statement specifies processing options that are applicable across many utility executions in a job step.


To specify LISTDEF, TEMPLATE or OPTIONS syntax, on the Generation Options window, type Y in the Update Template/Listdef/Option parms field and press Enter.
The window in the following figure appears:
Figure 1. Utility Parms window
             Utility Parms for TWUSR.DAJ 11              
 Option  ===>                                            
 Generate Templates. . . . . . . Y     (Yes/No)          
 Generate Listdefs . . . . . . . Y     (Yes/No)          
 Generate OPTION Statement:                              
  Preview Only . . . . . . . . . N     (Yes/No)          
  Continue on Item Error . . . . N     (Yes/No)          
  Return Code 0 on Warnings. . . N     (Yes/No)          

This window allows you to specify the options described in the following section:

Generate Templates
Type Y in this field to generate COPY, COPYTOCOPY, or REORG TABLESPACE utility control statements using the TEMPLATE syntax. Y is also required in this field if you are specifying LISTDEFS for any other utility.
Generate Listdefs
Type Y in this field to generate utility control statements using LISTDEFS. If you want to use LISTDEFS, you must also specify Y in the Generate Templates field.
Preview Only
Type Y in this field to execute in PREVIEW mode. PREVIEW mode checks for syntax errors in all utility control statements, but normal utility execution does not take place. If syntax is valid, the utility expands all LISTDEF lists and TEMPLATE DSNs that appear in SYSIN and prints results to the SYSPRINT data set.
Continue on Item Error
Type Y in this field to continue processing if an error message with return code 8 is received. This event does not include abnormal terminations (ABENDS).
Return Code 0 on Warnings
Type Y in this field to lower the final return code of a single utility invocation that ends in a return code 4 to a return code of 0. Use this field to force a return code of 0 for warning messages.
Specifying this option should generally be avoided. Warning messages document situations that generally should not be disregarded. Use this option only when return code 4 is expected, is acceptable, and other mechanisms are in place to validate the results of a utility execution.