Displaying a list of table spaces to be monitored

You can use the Test Restrict Tablespace field to generate a list of table spaces that meet the WHERE clause that you entered in the Restrict Tablespace field.


  1. From the Update Stats Monitor Profile panel, enter Y in the Test Restrict Tablespace field and press Enter.
    If the WHERE clause you entered on the Update Stats Monitor Profile panel is not valid, a message panel explaining the error is displayed.
    If the WHERE clause is valid, the Tablespace Stats Display panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Tablespace Stats Display panel
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   -------- Tablespace Stats Display ------- 2023/10/21  21:20:51 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
     Where  DBNAME LIKE 'DLCDB%' AND INSTANCE = 1           >   Db2 Subsystem: SS1A 
                                                           Row 1 of 29           +> 
     Name                     DBName   Partition Instance DBid  PSid  Extents       
     ARCHIV11                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00124   00001       
     ARCHIV11                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00124   00001       
     DLCLP11                  DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00088   00009       
     DLCLP11                  DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00088   00001       
     DLCUTS11                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00101   00001       
     DLCUTS11                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00101   00001       
     DRCOPY11                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00119   00001       
     DRCOPY11                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00119   00001       
     ETRIGS31                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00074   00001       
     ETRIGS31                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00074   00001       
     EXCPTN11                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00029   00001       
     EXCPTN11                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00029   00001       
     JOBS11                   DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00017   00001       
     JOBS11                   DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00017   00013       
     OBJECT13                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00007   00001       
     OBJECT13                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00007   00005       
     OBJEXT31                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00012   00001       
     OBJEXT31                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00012   00001       
     PAGELOG3                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00109   00002       
     PAGELOG3                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00109   00001       
     PROFIL11                 DLCDB        00000    00001 00267 00002   00003       
     PROFIL11                 DLCDB2       00000    00001 01988 00002   00001       
  2. This panel lists the table spaces that meet the WHERE clause listed in the top of the panel. Review the list of objects. If you want to modify the list of table spaces, you can edit the Where field at the top of the panel and press Enter.
    The columns listed for each table space are directly from the SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACESTATS catalog table. Refer to the Db2 for z/OS® documentation for a description of these fields.
  3. When you have finished editing or reviewing the list, press PF3 (END).
    The Update Stats Monitor Profile panel is displayed.