Viewing alerts from statistics procedures

You can view the alerts that triggered an statistics stored procedure execution by using the A line command.


On the Automation Execution History panel, enter A in the line command area.
The Maintwindow Actions panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 1. Maintwindow Actions panel
 AUTOXPRT V1R1   ---------- Maintwindow Actions ---------- 2023/10/21  21:43:04 
 Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 Line Commands: O - Output  P - oPtions                                         
 Profile    :                                               Db2 Subsystem: SS1A 
 Creator    :                                                                   
 Description:                                          Row 1 of 1             > 
 Cmd  Alert ID  History ID  Target Qualifier Target Object       Target Part    
      64131     1018        NMHAQA23         TSQA2301            0              
 ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************
For information about the fields, press PF1 for help.

What to do next

Press PF3 to return to the previous panel.