Product documentation and updates

Db2 Tools information is available at multiple places on the web. You can receive updates to Db2 Tools information automatically by registering with the IBM® My Notifications service.

Information on the web

The most current version of this information is available on IBM Documentation.

IBM Redbooks® publications that cover Db2 Tools are available from the following web page:

The IBM Db2 website shows how IT organizations can maximize their investment in Db2 databases while staying ahead of today's top data management challenges:

Receiving documentation updates automatically

To automatically receive emails that notify you when new technote documents are released, when existing product documentation is updated, and when new product documentation is available, you can register with the IBM My Notifications service. You can customize the service so that you receive information about only those IBM products that you specify.

To register with the My Notifications service:
  1. Go to
  2. Enter your IBM ID and password, or create one by clicking register now.
  3. When the My Notifications page is displayed, click Subscribe to select those products that you want to receive information updates about. The Db2 Tools option is located under Software > Information Management.
  4. Click Continue to specify the types of updates that you want to receive.
  5. Click Submit to save your profile.

How to send your comments

Your feedback helps IBM to provide quality information. Send any comments that you have about this book or other Db2 Tools documentation to Include the name and version number of the product and the title and number of the book. If you are commenting on specific text, provide the location of the text (for example, a chapter, topic, or section title).