Viewing a sample string

You can view a sample data set name that uses generic values, to show how the data set name would be generated using your specifications.

About this task

To view the string as it will be completed, enter Y in the Show DSN field. When you press Enter, the sample string appears, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 1. Viewing a sample string
                Resulting DSN using current symbolic string                
  Using the following sample data as input:                                
  &SSID      = 'SS01'      &ICTYPE    = 'F'         &UTIL  = 'UTILNAME'    
  &LOCREM    = 'L'         &PRIBAC    = 'P'         &DB    = 'DATABASE'    
  &SN        = 'SPACENAM'  &PART      = '00001'                            
  The date/time fields are set to the current time.                        
  The generated dataset would be:                                          
* SS01.DATABASE.SPACENAM.D2008143              *                           

Press PF3 (END) to return to the data set name generation panel.