A REBUILD INDEX utility can be specified in conjunction with the RECOVER utility to recover indexes when no copies are available to recover.
About this task
REBUILD INDEX reconstructs an index from the table that it references. When you select a RECOVER utility for a utility profile, and indexes are included in the objects to be recovered, Db2 Automation Expert chooses the method of recovery:
- When an index was created with the COPY YES attribute and an image copy is available for recovery, Db2 Automation Expert invokes the RECOVER utility with the RECOVER INDEX syntax.
- When an index was created with the COPY NO attribute and/or there are no image copies to recover to, Db2 Automation Expert invokes the REBUILD INDEX utility.
You can also specify to build JCL for an online REBUILD INDEX. Refer to Online REBUILD INDEX utility for more information.
To set options for the REBUILD INDEX, enter Y in the Rebuild Ix Statistics Optns field on the Recover Utility Profile Options panel. The Rebuild Index Profile Options panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
Refer to the help panel for a detailed description of the fields on this panel.