Online REBUILD INDEX utility

You can specify an online REBUILD INDEX with SHRLEVEL CHANGE or REFERENCE.


  1. Enter Y in the Online Rebuild Index field on the Recover Utility Profile Options panel.
  2. To set options for an online REBUILD INDEX, enter Y in the Alter Online Rbld Options field on the Recovery Utility Profile Options panel and press Enter. The panel shown in the following figure is displayed:
    Figure 1. Online Rebuild Index options panel
     AUTOXPRT V1R1 ------- Online Rebuild Index Options ------- 2023/10/20 11:22:00 
     Option   ===>                                                                  
     Creator: TWUSR      Name: DB2 V13                          User: TWUSR         
                                                       Db2 Subsystem: SS01          
     Enter the options for Online Rebuild Index Utility                             
        Sharelevel . . . . R        (R - Reference, C - Change)                     
        Drain Wait . . . .          (0-1800 seconds)                                
        Retry  . . . . . .          (blank, 0-255)                                  
        Retry Delay  . . .          (1-1800 seconds)                                
        Maxro  . . . . . .          (blank, Number, DEFER)                          
        Longlog  . . . . . C        (C - Continue, T - Term, D - Drain)             
        Delay  . . . . . . 1200     (Number)                                        
        RBALRSN_CONVERSION N        (blank, N - None, B - Basic, E - Extended)      

    Refer to the help panel for a detailed description of the fields on this panel.

  3. Press PF3 (END) to save and return to the Utility Profile Options panel.