Scheduling the job for the Db2 administrative task scheduler

When building a Db2 Automation Expert job profile or UNLOAD utility job, you can specify to schedule the utility job via the Db2 administrative task scheduler.

The Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel allows you to define the options for a task to be scheduled to run via the Db2 administrative task scheduler.

The Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel is shown in the following figure:

Figure 1. Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel
 AUTOXPRT V1R1   -------- Schedule Db2 Admin Task -------- 2023/10/21  15:54:09 
 Option   ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 Commands: CANCEL - Exit without saving changes.                                
                                                    Db2 Subsystem: SS1A         
 Task Name  . . . . AUTOMATION EXPERT UTIL: &JOBNAME                  >         
 Task Description                                                     >         
                                                            More:     +         
 Begin Timestamp  . . &CURRENT                   (Db2 Timestamp)                
 End Timestamp  . . . 2023-10-21- (Db2 Timestamp)                
 Max Invocations  . . 1          (Integer, Blank)                               
 SSID . . . . . . . . SS1A       (Blank for any datasharing member)             
 Job Wait . . . . . . Y          (Y - Yes, N - No, P - Purge)                   
 Execution Threads. . 001        (Integer)                                      
 Invocation Options:                                                            
   Interval (minutes)            (Integer, Blank)                               
     Task Name . . .                                                  >         
     Cond  . . . . .             (GT,GE,EQ,LT,LE,NE)                            
     Code  . . . . .             (Integer, Blank)                               
   Point in Time . .                                                  >         

Refer to the help panel for detailed information about the fields on this panel.

When you are finished completing the required fields, press Enter, then PF3. The Schedule Job field on the Build Job window is set to Y.