DAJB574W database space_name partition_number Tape Stacking has been turned off because this table space contains a LOB column and the AUX keyword | Tape Stacking has been turned off for this LOB table space with AUX Yes | Tape Stacking has been turned off because this table space with a LOB column will default AUX to Yes | Tape Stacking has been turned off for this LOB table space because AUX will default to Yes


Tape stacking is not valid for the reasons that are listed in the message. The job profile uses templates and the specified unit type is a tape device. However, if one of the following conditions are met, tape stacking is turned off:
  • The REORG utility profile contains the AUX YES keyword and the table space is a LOB or contains a LOB column.
  • The REORG utility profile contains the AUX NO keyword or the AUX field was left blank, but the table space is LOB or contains a LOB column; therefore, Db2 requires and defaults to AUX YES.

Under certain conditions, the AUX keyword is not included in the JCL; however, Db2 defaults to AUX YES at run time. For detailed information about those conditions, consult the documentation for your version of Db2.

User response

No action is required.