Selecting data sets from index spaces

You can select an index space to move all the data sets from the space, or drill down to view specific data sets for the space.

About this task

To select data sets from the index space level, type 3 on the Specify Dataset Selection Type input line and press Enter. The Specify Indexspace Selection window appears.

The Specify Indexspace Selection window, shown in the following figure, lets you narrow the list of index spaces that appears on the next panel. Enter a index space, index name, index creator, or database name, or a combination of any of these fields. Selection criteria (*) are allowed.

Note: The Indexname and Index Creator fields allow up to 128 bytes. To scroll these fields, place the cursor in the field and use the PF11 key to scroll right and the PF10 key to scroll left.
Figure 1. Specify Indexspace Selection window
     Specify Indexspace Selection      
  Indexspace     *                     
  Indexname      DSN*                > 
  Index Creator  *         >           
  Database       *                     
When you press Enter, the panel shown in the following figure is displayed:.
Figure 2. DSM Indexspaces panel
 AUTOXPRT V1R1   -----------  DSM Indexspaces  ----------  2023/10/21  19:51:36 
 Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 Line Commands: S - View Datasets  Q - Add to MoveQ               PF4 View MoveQ
                D - Del from MoveQ                                              
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------   +> 
 SSID: SS1A    Indexname: DSN*               >    Creator: *        >           
 Cmd  ISname   Creator  DBname   Dsnct  AvgExt  MaxExt  SpcUse SpaceUse SpaceAlc
      DSNACX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     4.0       4  100.0%     4.9M     4.9M
      DSNADH01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2  100.0%     2.1M     2.1M
      DSNADX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2  100.0%     2.1M     2.1M
      DSNAGH01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2  100.0%     5.6M     5.6M
      DSNAGX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1  100.0%    11.2M    11.2M
      DSNAPH01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1  100.0%     2.1M     2.1M
      DSNAPX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1    3.3%    48.0K     1.4M
      DSNARL01 SYSIBM   DSNRLST      1     1.0       1  100.0%   720.0K   720.0K
      DSNATX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2  100.0%     4.9M     4.9M
      DSNATX02 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1  100.0%     8.4M     8.4M
      DSNATX03 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2  100.0%     6.3M     6.3M
      DSNATX04 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2  100.0%     6.3M     6.3M
      DSNAUH01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2  100.0%     2.1M     2.1M
      DSNAUX02 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1  100.0%     2.1M     2.1M
      DSNCAX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1     .4%    20.0K     4.2M
      DSNCCX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     3.0       3     .5%    48.0K     9.1M
      DSNCCX02 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     5.0       5     .7%    48.0K     6.3M
      DSNCDX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     2.0       2     .4%    20.0K     4.2M
      DSNCDX02 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1     .4%    20.0K     4.2M
      DSNCHX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1  100.0%     4.2M     4.2M
      DSNCNX01 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1  100.0%     1.4M     1.4M
      DSNCNX02 SYSIBM   DSNDB06      1     1.0       1  100.0%     1.4M     1.4M

The DSM Indexspaces panel lists the index spaces that meet your selection criteria. On this panel, you can select an index space to move all data sets associated with the space, or you can drill down to select specific data sets.

The following section describes the fields on the DSM Indexspaces panel:

The Db2 subsystem ID.
The index space name or mask you specified appears here. This field is read only.
The index space creator name or mask you specified appears here. This field is read only.
The name of the index space. If one or more data sets in the index space are in the move queue, this field is highlighted. If all data sets in the index space are in the move queue, an asterisk (*) appears next to the index space name. If some of the data sets in the index space are in the move queue, a plus sign (+) appears next to the index space name.
The user ID of the creator of the index space. If all data sets in the index space are in the move queue, this field is highlighted.
The database name that owns the index space.
The number of data sets in the index space.
The average number of extents for a single data set owned by the index space.
The maximum number of extents for a single data set owned by the index space.
The percentage of space allocated that is currently used by data sets owned by the index space. The value is derived by totaling all space used for all data sets within the index space and dividing it by all space allocated for the data sets. Space used is derived from data set high used RBA. Space allocated is derived from data set high allocated RBA.
The amount of space in use by all data sets owned by the index space, in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).
The amount of space allocated by all data sets owned by the index space, in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).
The number of user-managed data sets in the index space.
The number of Db2-managed data sets in the index space.
The object type. IS is a simple index space. PTIS is a partitioned index space.
The name of the index residing in the index space.
The table name associated with the index.
The creator of the table associated with the index.
The database identifier of the data base owning the index space.
The index object identifier.
The index space pageset object identifier. This is the ISOBID.

The line commands that can be used on DSM Indexspaces panel are described in the following table:

Table 1. DSM Indexspaces panel line commands
Line command Description
S View the data sets owned by the selected index space.
Q Add the index space to the move queue; all data sets associated with the index space will be selected. After you add an index space to the move queue, enter QEDIT in the command line (or press PF4) to view the list of data sets to be moved. This command may be used on multiple lines on the panel.
D Delete all index space data sets from the data set move queue. This command may be used on multiple lines on the panel.