Building the UNLOAD job

After you specify the UNLOAD utility settings, you must build the job.

About this task

When you build the job, Db2 Automation Expert constructs JCL for a job that executes the UNLOAD utility.

The Build Job window, shown in the following figure, is displayed when you have finished entering UNLOAD options:
Figure 1. Build Job window
              Build Job for PDUSER.ARCHIVES_V11                    
    Edit Generated Job     Y           (Yes/No)                          
    Schedule Job   . . . . N (Yes/No)  Update options . . N (Yes/No)     
    Build job in Data set  TWUSR.DAT.TEST                                
                 Member    UNLOAD1                                       
    Job Cards:                                                           
 ==> //JOBCARD JOB TWUSRA,CLASS=A,NOTIFY=&SYSUID                         
 ==> //*                                                                 
 ==> //*                                                                 
 ==> //*                                                                 

The following describes the fields in the Build Job window:

Edit Generated Job
Type Y if you want to edit the job after it has been generated. The job appears in an edit session after it has been generated.
Schedule Job
Type Y in the Schedule Job field to indicate that the resulting JCL job is to be scheduled to the Db2 administrative task scheduler. Entering Y in the Update Options field and pressing Enter displays a panel to define Db2 administrative task scheduler options.
Build job in Dataset
Enter the fully qualified data set name (without quotes) where you want to save the generated job. This data set must exist and can be sequential or a PDS. In online mode, this data set will hold the generated utility job. In batch mode, this data set will hold the batch JCL to generate the utility job.
If the data set to hold the generated job is a PDS, enter a member name for the job output here. If the member does not exist, Db2 Automation Expert will create it.
Job Cards
Enter a valid job card for your site on any of the four Job Card lines. Job card information can be provided as standard JCL or another compatible control language.