Setting SHRLEVEL CHANGE options for index REORGs

When performing an online REORG of an index, you can specify several options specific to SHRLEVEL CHANGE.

About this task

To specify these options, enter Y in both the Shrlevel Change Options Include and Update fields on the Online Reorg Index Options panel and press Enter. The panel that is shown in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 1. Change Options panel
 AUTOXPRT V1R1 -------------- Change Options ------------- 2023/10/20  13:18:52 
 Option   ===>                                                                  
   Creator: TWUSR      Name: TEST PROFILE                     User: TWUSR       
                                                     Db2 Subsystem: SS01        
   Enter the "Shrlevel Change" options to associate with this utility profile   
    Maxro  . . . . . . . . . . .           (blank, Number, DEFER)               
    Drain  . . . . . . . . . . . A         (W - Writers, A - All, N - No)       
    Longlog  . . . . . . . . . . C         (C - Continue, T - Term, D - Drain)  
    Delay  . . . . . . . . . . . 1200      (Number)                             
    Lastlog  . . . . . . . . . . Y         (Yes/No)                             
    Logranges  . . . . . . . . . Y         (Yes/No)                             


  1. Specify the fields as required. Refer to the help panel for detailed information about the fields on this panel.
  2. Press PF3 (END) to return to the Online Reorg Index Options panel.