Viewing objects that were processed by a job

The Job Object Display lists all the objects that were processed by a Db2 Automation Expert job.


  1. On the Execution Reports Job Display or the Object Job Display, enter O next to a job and press Enter.
  2. The Job Object Display, which is shown in the following figure, lists all the objects that were processed by the selected job.
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   ------------ Job Object Display ----------- 2023/10/21 19:33:0 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
          Jobname: CRTIXR1                                      Db2 Subsystem: SS01 
          Jobnum : J0136630                                Row 1 of 22           +  
          Type       Database Name  Space Name     Partition                        
           IX        NMHAQA25       I2501011            0                           
           IX        NMHAQA25       I2502011          ALL                           
           IX        NMHAQA25       I2502012            0                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001011            4                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001011            1                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001011            5                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001011            2                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001011            3                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001012            3                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001012            4                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001012            5                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001012            1                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001012            2                           
           IX        NMHAQA40       I4001013            0