Worksheets: Gathering required DD names

Identify and record the DD names that will be used during the customization process and make sure that requirements for certain DDs are met.

DD names for Tools Customizer

Identify and record the following Tools Customizer DD names:

DD name Description Special requirements Your DD name
SCCQDENU Metadata library for Tools Customizer    
SCCQLOAD Executable load module library for Tools Customizer    
SCCQMENU ISPF messages for Tools Customizer    
SCCQPENU ISPF panels for Tools Customizer    
SCCQSAMP Sample members for Tools Customizer    
SCCQTENU Table library for Tools Customizer You must have write access to this data set.  

DD names of Db2 Automation Expert

Identify and record the following Db2 Automation Expert DD names. During the customization process, you will enter the following values on panel CCQPPRD.

DD name Description Special requirements Your DD name
SDAJDBRM DBRM library for Db2 Automation Expert    
SDAJLOAD Executable load module library for Db2 Automation Expert You must APF authorize this data set.  
SDAJMENU ISPF messages for Db2 Automation Expert    
SDAJPENU ISPF panels for Db2 Automation Expert    
SDAJSAMP Sample members for Db2 Automation Expert    
SDAJDENU Metadata library for Db2 Automation Expert    
SDAJSLIB ISPF skeleton library for Db2 Automation Expert    

DD names of FEC (common code)

If the FEC (common code) data sets were installed into their own target libraries and not into the Db2 Automation Expert libraries, identify and record the following FEC DD names. During the customization process, you will enter the following values on panel CCQPPRD.

DD name Description Special requirements Your DD name
SFECDBRM DBRM library for FEC common code.    
SFECLOAD Executable load module library for FEC common code. You must APF authorize this data set.  
SFECMENU ISPF messages for FEC common code.    
SFECPENU ISPF panels for FEC common code.    
SFECSAMP Sample members for FEC common code.    

DD names of other libraries

Identify and record the following DD names. During the customization process, you will enter the following values on the Setup panel.

DD name Description Special requirements Your DD name
Discover output data set

Contains the output that is generated when you run the Db2 Automation Expert Discover EXEC.

The Db2 Automation Expert Discover EXEC retrieves the metadata and values for the parameters from a previous customization of Db2 Automation Expert.

The default name of the data set is DB2TOOL.CCQ110. DISCOVER. You can change the default value on the Tools Customizer Settings panel or the Discover Customized Product Information panel.

You must have write access to this data set.  
Data store data set

Contains product, LPAR, and Db2 parameter values, and Db2 entry associations. Tools Customizer uses this data set to permanently store all information that is acquired about the product, Db2 subsystems, and LPAR when you customize products on the local LPAR.

The default name of the data set is DB2TOOL.CCQ110. DATASTOR. You can change the default value on the Tools Customizer Settings panel.

You must have write access to this data set.  
Product customization Library

Contains the customization jobs that Tools Customizer generates for Db2 Automation Expert.

To customize Db2 Automation Expert, submit the members of the data set in the order in which they are displayed on the Finish Product Customization panel. The data set naming convention is:
  • hlq is the value of the Customization library qualifier field on the Tools Customizer Settings panel (CCQPSET)
  • LPAR-name is the four-character LPAR name
  • xyzvrm is the three-letter product identifier with the version, release, and modification level

For example, the data set name might be DB2TOOL.PRODUCT.CUST. $MVS1$.XYZ420.

You must have write access to this data set.