Viewing execution history of Db2 autonomic statistics procedures

Db2 Automation Expert provides an interface to view a history of Db2 autonomic statistics procedures that have been run. This function allows you see the results from the Db2 autonomic statistics procedure execution and a list of related alerts.


  1. On the Db2 Automation Expert main menu, enter 11 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. On the Automation Console, enter 3 in the Option field and press Enter.
  3. On the Automation Execution History panel, enter Y in the Show AutoStats Monitor field or the Show Autostats Execute field, or both, and press Enter.
    The Automation Execution History panel is refreshed with a list of Db2 autonomic statistics procedures that were run, listed in the PROC_NAME column as follows:
    • SYSPROC.ADMIN_UTL_MONITOR: The ADMIN_UTL_MONITOR stored procedure, which detects objects with out-of-date statistics and notes the actions to be taken.
    • SYSPROC.ADMIN_UTL_EXECUTE: The ADMIN_UTL_EXECUTE stored procedure, which resolves the out-of-date statistics by running RUNSTATS during a maintenance window.