Viewing automated statistics alerts

This option allows you to view a list of automated statistics alerts. An alert is a recommendation from stored procedures that RUNSTATS needs to be run.

About this task

These alerts are contained in the SYSIBM.SYSAUTOALERTS catalog table.


  1. From the Automation Console panel, enter 4 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. On the Actions panel, enter S in the Source field and press Enter.
  3. Verify or change the selection criteria in the Target Qualifier, Target Object, and Alert Status fields. You can limit the alerts to be listed on the panel by changing the values in these fields. Wildcarding can be used for the Target Qualifier and Target Object fields. When finished, press Enter.
    The Actions panel is displayed again, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Actions panel
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   ---------------- Actions ---------------- 2023/10/21  21:58:28 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
     Line Commands: O - Output  P - oPtions  S - Symptoms                           
      Target Qualifier T*                                                           
      Target Object    *                                                            
      Source S (S - AutoStats, T - Automation Expert)                               
      Status C (C - Completed, E - Error, I - Inprogress, O - Open, * - All)        
      Db2 Subsystem: SS01                                  Row 1 of 12           +> 
         Target           Target              Target                    Active/     
     Cmd Qualifier        Object              Part   Action   Status    Passive     
         TSKXH            PARTBIG2            ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TSQXXDB          TSQTSA              ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TESTDB07         TESTTS07            ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TESTDB08         TESTTS08            ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TESTDB13         TESTTS13            ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TSKXH            PARTBIG             ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TSKXH            PARTPBG             ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TSXJIPDB         PTS                 ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
         TSXJIDB          TS                  ALL    RUNSTATS COMPLETED ACTIVE      
    This panel lists the alerts that meet your selection criteria.
  4. Press PF3 to return to the Automation Console.