New and changed functions
This topic summarizes the recent enhancements and changes in Db2 Automation Expert.
Description | Related APARs |
A note was added the topic Group: MVS catalog exception conditions to clarify how MVS catalog exceptions are processed for PBGs. | None |
The Db2 DISPLAY status REBUILD-pending empty (RBDPM) exception condition was added for Db2 13 function level support. The topic Group: Db2 DISPLAY status exception conditions was updated. | UI99571 (PH63951) |
Description | Related APARs |
The table in the topic Db2 13 function level support was updated for Db2 function level 506 toleration and support. | See the table in the topic. |
Description | Related APARs |
The STAT COLGROUP MEM SORT field on the Runstats Options panel had an erroneous value limit of 4096. This limit was removed. The topic RUNSTATS options was revised. | UI98172 (PH62600) |
Support was added for the FROMLASTFLASHCOPY keyword in the COPYTOCOPY utility. The topic COPYTOCOPY options and message DAJ322E were updated. | UI98172 (PH62600) |
The Utility History panel that is accessed from the Db2 Automation Expert main menu is only valid for Db2 13 function level 501 and later subsystems. Message DAJ835E was modified. | UI98172 (PH62600) |
MAXPRIME or PCTPRIME values are ignored when primary and secondary allocation values are specified in a template. New build message DAJB551I was added. | UI98172 (PH62600) |
Description | Related APARs |
The new Db2 Utility Compare feature generates a before-and-after comparison of utility execution data for Db2 objects in Db2 Automation Expert profiles. Execution data is gathered from the Db2 utilities history and object-level history tables, and includes CPU times, zIIP times, SORT times, and elapsed times. The topics Analyzing utility execution with Db2 Utility Compare, Configuring and running the Db2 Utility Compare JCL, and Db2 Utility Compare summary report and messages were added for this enhancement. The topic Verify that your environment meets software requirements was updated. | UI97609 (PH61837) |
If updates are made to any type of profile, you must rebuild any associated job profiles to ensure that the changes are made to generated jobs. The topics Updating an object profile, Updating a utility profile, Updating an exception profile, and Updating a job profile were modified. | None |
The table in the topic Db2 13 function level support was updated for Db2 function level 505 toleration and support. | See the table in the topic. |
Description | Related APARs |
Db2 Automation Expert's interface with IBM® OMEGAMON® Data Provider now can stream utility history from the SYSIBM.SYSUTILITIES table and utility object-level history from the SYSIBM.SYSOBJEVENTS table. Db2 13 function level requirements for these features are provided in Verify that your environment meets software requirements. The topics Streaming data to analytics platforms with IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider, Configuring Db2 Automation Expert for OMEGAMON Data Provider in Tools Customizer, and Specifying the data to be streamed were updated. | UI96337 (PH60415) |
Db2 Automation Expert messages that might be issued when streaming data to IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider have been added to the topic Messages. | UI96337 (PH60415) |
Input parameters for streaming data to IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider are entered via a DAJDATA DD statement in the ssODPC job. The topic Specifying the data to be streamed was updated. | UI96337 (PH60415) |
Description | Related APARs |
The table in the topic Db2 13 function level support was updated for Db2 function level 504 toleration and support. | None |
Information was added to clarify how a symptom priority is calculated using a variance. The topic Modifying priorities for Db2 Automation Expert symptoms was updated. | None |
Maintenance window functionality requirements were corrected in the topic Verify that your environment meets software requirements. | None |
Messages with prefixes DAJE, DAJS, DAJU, DAJV, DAJW, and DAJX were missing from the user guide and have been added to Messages. | None |
New and updated messages for the Db2 Automation Expert API for IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider were added. | None |
The steps to install the sample dashboard for streaming Db2 Automation Expert data were updated in the topic Elastic sample dashboards. | None |
A step to update the Zowe started task was updated in Installing and configuring the ad-hoc utility API for Db2 Automation Expert. | None |