Db2 Automation Expert setup options

Customization of Db2 Automation Expert is primarily accomplished with IBM® Tools Customizer. However, you might want to change options after customization. The Setup option on the Db2 Automation Expert main menu can be used to configure some features and functions.

On the Db2 Automation Expert main menu, enter 0 and press Enter to access the System Parameters panel. The following provides a description of the parameters on the System Parameters panel.

Current User Ind
This field displays the user indicator that is specified in the CLIST used to start Db2 Automation Expert. The system parameters that you enter on this screen and the other setup screens are specific to this configuration of Db2 Automation Expert. You cannot change this field; it is set when the Db2 Automation Expert CLIST is started.
Model DSN for GDG Base Model
If your site is not SMS-managed, and you are required to include a model DSCB in your JCL, enter a model DSCB name here. The model DSCB must exist. This field is optional if your data sets are SMS managed; Db2 Automation Expert uses the model DSCB if provided. You can provide a different model DSCB for each subsystem you configure.
Db2 Control Dataset
This field displays the name of the Db2 control data set. You cannot change this field.
Db2 Subsystem ID
Enter the Db2 subsystem identifier (SSID) for the subsystem you want to configure. To get a list of available subsystems, enter ? and press Enter.

Configuration options

On the System Parameters panel, enter one of the following values in the Command field:

1 - ZPARM, BSDS, and Load Library Information
Configure options specific to a particular Db2 subsystem, including ZPARMs, BSDS, and load library information.
2 - Db2 Automation Expert
Configure Db2 plan names for Db2 Automation Expert.
3 - Db2 Shared Profile Support
Configure job generation options and other information specific to Db2 Automation Expert.
4 - DAJ Recovery Expert Support
Configure options to make image copies from Db2 Recovery Expert system level backups.
Note: Settings under this option apply to all Db2 subsystems that are configured for Db2 Automation Expert.
5 - DAJ HPU Utility Support
Configure options for generating Db2 High Performance Unload jobs.
Note: Settings under this option apply to all Db2 subsystems that are configured for Db2 Automation Expert.
Configure default TEMPLATEDD data sets, member names, and template names. This information is used to create TEMPLATEDD control statements that define data set naming conventions and allocation parameters for some Db2 utilities.
7 - DAJ Query Monitor Support
Configure Db2 Query Monitor settings for the smarter reorganization recommendation feature.
8 - Best Practice Utility Profiles
Specify the default utility profiles that are used in the Db2 Automation Expert ad-hoc utility API.

The topics that follow provide additional information about each of these options.