Updating exception conditions

Once you have added an exception condition, you can use the U(pdate) line command to update DSNACCOX exception condition values, or update the condition or exception value of a table space, index, or post-user exit exception conditions. To modify the date/time and object exception conditions, you must delete them and insert new exception conditions.


  1. On the Edit Exceptions Boolean Logic panel, enter U in C column next to the condition that you want to update and press Enter.
    The Update Boolean Logic Exceptions panel is displayed. Note that only the exception conditions that can be updated are listed.
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   --- Update Boolean Logic Exceptions    --- 2023/10/30 20:38:36 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
     Commands: END - Accept changes  CANCEL - Discard changes                       
     Line Commands: A - And  O - Or  S - Select                                     
        CONDitions: LT|<|LE|<=|EQ|=|GT|>|GE|>=|NE|¬=|<>   "*" indicates an DAJ stat 
     Creator:  TWUSR       Profile: BEST PRACTICE REORG #1           User: TWUSR    
                                                            Db2 Subsystem: SS01     
     ------------------------------------------------------- Row 1 of 21         +> 
     S Statistics Type--- *Column------------ Cond ---------Exception Value---------
       FOR EACH TABLESPACE OBJECT...                                                
     O TABLESPACESTATS     EXTENTS             >   254                              
     O TABLESPACESTATS     DATASIZE            >   2                                
     O REALTIME_REORG_TS  *INSERTS_PCT         >   25                               
     O REALTIME_REORG_TS  *DELETES_PCT         >   25                               
     O REALTIME_REORG_TS  *UNCLUST_INS_PCT     >   10                               
     O REALTIME_REORG_TS  *DISORGED_LOBS_PCT   >   50                               
     O REALTIME_REORG_TS  *RELOCATED_ROWS_PCT  >   10                               
     O REALTIME_REORG_TS   MASS_DELETES        >   0                                
     O REALTIME_REORG_TS   CLUSTERSENS         >   0                                
     O DB2_DI                                                                       
     O DB2_DI   DAJ664I - Updating Boolean Logic exception conditions.              
  2. Edit the condition and exception values as desired.
    Db2 Automation Expert checks the values that you enter to ensure they are valid.
  3. When finished, press PF3 to save the changes and return to the Edit Exceptions Boolean Logic panel.