EXPLODE command as a line command

When you enter E next to an object(s) line in the object profile and press Enter, all items that meet the wildcarding and the index processing selections are listed in the Explode Object Profile Display.

The following figure shows the Explode Object Profile Display:

Figure 1. Explode Object Profile Display
 AUTOXPRT V1R1   ----- Explode Object Profile Display ---- 2023/10/19  21:16:53 
 Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 Line Commands: S - Select to Exclude                                           
 Creator: TWUSR        Profile: DAJ-13303                       User: TWUSR     
 Db2 Subsystem: SS01                                   Row 1 of 117          +> 
     TS/                                                Volume /                
     IX/ Wild -------- Process ------- Inc/ IX DB Name/ IX Crtr/ IX Name/       
 Cmd VL  Card IX RI Clone Util AUX H/A Exc  TS Crtr     DB Name  TS Name  Part  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TESTPART TESTPART  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TESTRCVY TESTRCVY  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TESTRI01 TSDEPT    ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TESTRI01 TSEMP     ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TEST100K TEST100K  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TEST50TS TEST5001  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TEST50TS TEST5002  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TEST50TS TEST5003  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TEST50TS TEST5004  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TEST50TS TEST5005  ALL  
     TS  N    N  N  N     N    N   H   INC  PDUSR1      TEST50TS TEST5006  ALL  

On the Explode Object Profile Display, you can use the S line command to exclude an object from the profile.

When you return to the Update Object Profile Display, any objects that you excluded now are listed individually and contain EXC in the Include/Exclude column to indicate they are excluded.