Batch build error reporting

When a job is built in batch, the error messages are output to the DAJERROR DD generated by the batch build program.

The following is an example of message output:

Figure 1. Message output from batch build
IBM Shared Profile Support -- Print Build Process Messages --  V01.10 Run Date 2
DAJB048I Db2 SubSystem ID:SS2; Db2 Version:0810; SQLID:; ZUSER:TUSER            
DAJB027I Jobs Generation Options follow:                                        
DAJB028I Maximum Number of Jobs....................1                            
DAJB029I Maximum Number of Objects per Job.........0                            
DAJB030I Automatically generate GDG Base...........000                          
DAJB031I Load Balance Jobs by......................N                            
DAJB032I Capture Run Times for Load Balancing......N                            
DAJB033I Process Spaces in Utility (UT) Mode.......N                            
DAJB034I Prefix Utility ID with Jobname............N                            
DAJB035I Set JCL Member Name to Jobname............N                            
DAJB036I Generate Job When Errors Encountered......Y                            
DAJB106I Evaluate Multiple Exception Profiles......All together                 
DAJB112I Recall Migrated Spaces....................N                            
DAJB113I Use DSNACCOR Exception Table..............N                            
DAJB203I Rebind Dependent Plans / Packages.........N                            
DAJB037I Utility Dataset High Level Qualifier......TEST                         
DAJB039I Retrieve Jobcard and Comments from Dataset                             
DAJB040I   Dataset:                                                             
DAJB041I   Member:                                                              
DAJB042I Jobname Template " - - - - - - - "                                     
DAJB176I Generate Templates........................Y                            
DAJB177I Generate Listdefs.........................Y                            
DAJB178I Preview Only..............................N                            
DAJB179I Continue on Item Error....................N                            
DAJB180I Return Code 0 on Warnings.................N                            
DAJB049I Using JOBS Profile    TUSER.##V11 TEST                           that i
DAJB050I       OBJS Profile    TUSER.#V11 TEST TS ONLY                          
DAJB050I       UTIL Profile    TUSER.#MY CLIST                                  
DAJB025I Build JCL will be written to TUSER.DAJ.TEST.                           
DAJB026I Build JCL member "BATCHBLD" successfully written.                      
******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

The build error messages are documented in Messages.

Return codes generated by a batch job build are described in the following table:

Table 1. Batch job build return codes
Return code Job Built Result
00 Yes Job was built successfully with no warnings or errors.
04 Yes Job was built with warning messages and the Generate Job when Errors encountered field was a “Y” or “W”.
06 No Job was not built because exception processing did not flag any objects to process.
08 Yes Job was built with error messages and the Generate Job when Errors encountered field was a “Y”.
12 No Job was not built because errors were detected and the Generate Job when Errors encountered field was not a “Y”.