What's New?
Version 4.0.1 (January 2025)
- ACE details
- The UX for scanned ACE details has been updated with new styles and layouts
- Security
- IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor has addressed multiple security vulnerabilities including those in Node.js, Java SE and various other libraries
Version 4.0.0 (December 2024)
- IBM watsonx Code Assistant integration
- The migration bundle is fully compatible with IBM watsonx Code Assistant and will accelerate any code changes that you need to make
- For more information on IBM watsonx Code Assistant integration, click here
- Tags
- Custom tags can be applied to any application to facilitate searching, filtering and grouping
- Enhanced user experience
- The whole experience has been updated and enhanced to make your modernization journey as smooth as possible
Version 3.10.2 (November 2024)
- Security
- IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor has addressed multiple security vulnerabilities including those in Node.js, Java SE and various other libraries
Version 3.10.1 (August 2024)
- Security
- IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor has addressed multiple security vulnerabilities including those in Node.js, Java SE and various other libraries
Version 3.10.0 (June 2024)
- Migration bundle enhancement
- Migration bundle will now contain the full set of modernization reports, updated metadata and updated recipe configurations
Version 3.9.0 (March 2024)
- Migration bundle enhancement
- Migration bundle will now contain recipe configuration for automated code remediation
- Easy access to rule help
- You don't need to open analysis report to see the rule help, it is now shown in the application details page
- Playbook improvements
- We expanded modernization playbook with new real life scenarios for secure connections and clustered deployments. You can access the playbook here
- Data Collector
- The Data Collector now uses binary scanner v24.0.0.1
Version 3.8.2 (February 2024)
- Security
- IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor has addressed multiple security vulnerabilities including those in Node.js, Java SE and various other libraries
Version 3.8.1 (January 2024)
- Upload defect
- Fixed the issue introduced in 3.8.0 where collections with certain dependencies were not uploading
- Automated Code Changes
- Automated code fix configuration for an application is now filtered to only the required set of fixes
- Security
- IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor has addressed multiple security vulnerabilities including those in Node.js, Java SE and various other libraries
Version 3.8.0 (December 2023)
- Automated Code Changes
- Automated fixes are provided to automatically update your source code for some issues. For each application we indicate the degree of automation available and the configuration required to execute the updates. Full details on our automated fixes can be found in this documentation
- Data Collector
- The ability to collect data for only specified applications has been extended to include Tomcat, WebLogic and JBoss
- The Data Collector now uses binary scanner v23.0.0.5
Version 3.7.1 (October 2023)
- User Experience
- Provide a more useful and accurate description of development costs
- Security
- Add back logout button
- Address multiple security vulnerabilities including those in Node.js, Java SE and various other libraries
3.7.0 (September 2023)
- Modernization Guidance
- Modernization Guidance is a recommended sequence for modernizing your applications so that you build momentum as quickly as possible. The easiest applications that also help as many other applications as possible are prioritized. Using this guidance you will actually see that applications can move from Moderate to Simple based solely on work you have already completed!
- Playbook
- We now provide an online modernization playbook that gives a full decision tree for your modernization journey. It will take you from your initial collection and assessment all the way through to deployment, showing best practice, tips, tricks and options along the way. You can find the link it in the new Transformation Advisor header, or just click here
- Data Collector
- The Data Collector now uses binaryScanner v23.0.0.3
3.6.2 (August 2023)
- User Experience
- The banner indicating that a new version is available will now vanish once that new version is installed
- Security Fixes
- IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor has addressed multiple security vulnerabilities including those in Node.js, Java SE and various other libraries
3.6.1 (July 2023)
- Security Fixes
- Fix various security issues
3.6.0 (June 2023)
- Migration Plan
- The migration bundle now extracts all Liberty configuration parameters and sensitive data variables for easy management across environments that can be deploying using a single Kustomize command
- The migration bundle is now configured to automatically support metric monitoring for all Java specification levels
- File Upload
- File upload has been enhanced to eliminate CORS errors
- Data Collector
- The Data Collector now uses binaryScanner v23.0.0.2
3.5.2 (May 2023)
- Security Fixes
- Fix various security issues
3.5.1 (April 2023)
- JBoss
- Address issue of DTD validation errors when scanning JBoss 6
- Address issue where outside location scan for JBoss fails
- Security Fixes
- Fix various security issues
3.5.0 (March 2023)
- Migration Plan
- Deployment of WebSphere Base in Containers has been streamlined and made consistent with Liberty based deployments through the use of the Runtime Component Operator. It is now possible create cloud based migration plans for Liberty applications that are not yet in containers.
- Recommendations
- A comparison of each possible migration target is now included in Transformation Advisor
- Recommendations now include the technology type required for the application, to assist with licensing
- WebSphere ND Clusters
- The UX has been improved to facilitate the management of large numbers of WebSphere ND Clusters that can appear in Transformation Advisor
- Workspace Management
- There are significant performance improvements when deleting collection and workspaces
- Cookie Acceptance
- You will now be prompted to accept essential cookies when authentication is enabled
- Data Collector
- The Data Collector now uses binaryScanner v23.0.0.1
3.4.2 (February 2023)
- Security Fixes
- Fix various security issues
3.4.1 (January 2023)
- Security Fixes
- Fix various security issues
3.4.0 (December 2022)
- Export Report
- The reports now include the WebSphere Edition required to run the application, showing where right-sizing savings from Base or Core technologies can be achieved with WebSphere Hybrid Edition flexible ratios.
- Recommendations
- Display of the shared library development effort is now included in the application details page in a manner which is consistent with how common code is displayed
- Recommendations have been updated to include the latest modernization rules and development effort
- Migration Targets UX
- The UX has been improved to clearly show the available and selected migration targets
- Multiple Transformation Advisor Instances per Cluster
- You can now deploy multiple instances of Transformation Advisor to the same OpenShift cluster
3.3.1 (October 2022)
- Fix release
- Various minor fixes
3.3.0 (September 2022)
- WebSphere ND Clusters
- The Data Collector will now automatically detect WebSphere ND Clusters and they will appear in the UI
- The entire WebSphere ND Cluster can be migrated as a single migration plan to deploy all the clustered applications to a single Liberty instance
- This migration plan will automatically map the WebSphere ND Cluster configuration to an equivalent kubernetes deployment
- Groups
- An entire Group can now be migrated as a single migration plan to deploy all applications from the Group to a single Liberty instance
- WebSphere Liberty Operator
- When deploying to the WebSphere Liberty target the migration plan utilised the latest WebSphere Liberty Operator
- Rules
- The entire ruleset has been overhauled with updated development efforts and severities that reflect the latest best practice for application modernization
- Airgap Install
- Support for the new ibm-pak plugn which streamlines the deployment of IBM software in an OpenShift disconnected environment
3.2.2 (August 2022)
- Fix release
- Various minor fixes
3.2.1 (July 2022)
- Fix release
- Fix air gap installation issue on Red Hat OpenShift
- Various minor fixes
3.2 (June 2022)
- Groups
- You can now create any number of Groups of Java applications from your workspace
- Groups provide a Group estimated total cost allowing you to evaluate a subset of your workspace data
- Bulk Import/Export
- Bulk Import/Export now supports the import/export of Groups
- Bulk import now supports a 'noHierarchy' option that will import a flat zip file of Data Collector archive zips
- Data Collector
- The Data Collector now uses binaryScanner v22.0.0.3 which includes JAX-RPC Conversion Tool Pre-validation and improved performance
- Transformation Advisor can now accept data produced by the binary scanner's --ta option
- Removal
- The ability to do migration assessments for MQ QueueManagers has been removed
- Information on how to migrate IBM MQ can be found here.
3.1 (April 2022)
- Reports
- The exported reports now include a full explanation of how the workspace development costs are calculated, including an exact breakdown for each issue!
- Recommendations
- The formula to calculate the cost of modernising enterprise entity java beans and for modernising issues across the whole workspace have been adjusted. So you may see the workspace modernisation cost fall!
- The default target for new recommendations is WebSphere Liberty (instead of Open Liberty)
- Common code listed for applications is now ordered by complexity, with the most complex common code at the top
- Accessibility
- There are new layouts for the recommendation and migration plan pages to improve their accessibility
- Data Collector
- The Data Collector now uses the latest binaryScanner which includes significant performance improvements
- Deprecation
- The ability to do migration assessments for MQ QueueManagers has been deprecated and will be removed in the next release
- Podman support
- When running on RHEL you can now use either Docker or Podman
- Security
- On Openshift, all pods now run inder the default restricted SecurityContectConstraint. You no longer need to create a custom one.
3.0 (January 2022)
- Recommendations are now displayed for the whole workspace along with rollup information
- Common code between all the applications in the workspace is automatically detected in addition to any shared library files that have been defined thus highlighting significant development cost savings by modernizing common code once
- You are no longer prompted to create a Collection when you create a workspace. Collection information will be handled
Data Collector
- The Data Collector is now workspace based and no longer tied to a specific collection
- On data upload the host of the scanned machine is detected and automatically used to create the necessary Collections for the data
- The Data Collector now uses binaryScanner v21.0.0.4 which supports moving to Java 17 for Liberty targets
Data Upload
- When uploading data via the UI the Collection for the data is automatically detected by default but can be customized
- For installation on OCP Transformation Advisor requires two persistence volume claims with ReadWriteOnce access
- One must be at least 20GB in size and the other at least 5GB
- Ability to do migration assessments for MQ Queue Managers has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
- The recommended procedure for modernizing MQ Queue Managers is in the IBM MQ documentation.
- The Business Applications capability has been removed
2.5.0 (September 2021)
- Data Collector now uses the binaryScanner v21.0.0.3
- Transformation Advisor now supports user defined rules that are executed during a scan by the Data Collector
- The results from these rules appear in Transformation Advisor in addition to the standard rules
- Use the '--no-upload' parameter to prevent the Data Collector output from being uploaded into the Transformation Advisor server
- The report CSV files that can be exported from Transformation Advisor now contain additional information regarding the complexity of supporting files, the reason why applications are considered complex and the ids for workspaces, collections and profiles to facilitate easier use of the APIs
- Transformation Advisor now installs via a cluster wide Operator
- When deployed on ROKS, the browser certificates for Transformation Advisor are now valid by default
2.4.4 (June 2021)
- Exported reports now include WebSphere Liberty assessment information
- Enhanced capability to rebrand Transformation Advisor
- Recommendations now detect when JAXRPC rules have been mitigated by the axis framework
- You can now specify a list of applications to exclude from a scan
- Updated configuration now supports very large report files (up to 100MB)
2.4.3 (April 2021)
- On install of Transformation Advisor 2.4.3 on Red Hat OpenShift, you must now explicitly select the appropriate license under which you have entitlement.
- Various bug fixes for the Data Collector
2.4.2 (March 2021)
- Transformation Advisor Local is now supported
- Supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7+
- Configurable authentication using an external OAuth2 provider
- Additional security hardening options including TLS and HTTPS
- Recommendation generation has a progress indicator
- Landing page can be customized by adding text to the title and/or replacing the Transformation Advisor icon with your own
- Rules for Java SE 14 & 15 migration
- Support for migrating configuration for standalone and Federated LDAP and Application Security Role Bindings for WebSphere
- Support for migrating security configuration specified in tWAS security domains
- File checksum now uses SHA256
- Support for bash 4.3 on z/OS
- Use of an external OAuth2 provider is now supported
2.4.0 (December 2020)
- The landing page has a new streamlined layout
- Workspaces and collections can now be renamed
- The Transformation Advisor support options are now available from all screens in the menu
- The recommendation details page shows estimated development costs at every level of the hierarchy
- Recommendation complexity is now directly linked to the relevant issues that cause it
- Memory requirements are significantly reduced for uploading large datasets
- Upload times are significantly improved for datasets with many dependencies
- Recommendations rendering time has been significantly improved
- Transformation Advisor provides a logout option to invalidate your current session
- Transformation Advisor is now fully accessible
- Re-Certified to meet latest requirements for Enterprise-grade containerized software solutions
2.3.0 (September 2020)
Multi-language support
More accurate development cost estimate for issues
Faster rendering of details pages
Option to scan for all targets during data collection
All images are now signed
Support for upload and display of all SDK 0.5.5 plugin output
Notes (for AMA_Local only)
Existing AMA Local users will need to download new Transformation Advisor Local scripts to run AMA 2.3.0. Older scripts will pull the new images and run but uploading your old zips will fail without the new AMA_local scripts.
Once AMA_LOCAL starts you need to use the link to the UI provided (it has an IP in it). You will NOT be able to upload if you use a URL with 'localhost' in it.
2.2.0 (June 2020)
Support for deployment of Transformation Advisor on IBM POWER Systems and zLinux
Transformation Advisor is now part the Application and Integration CloudPaks (CP4A & CP4I)
Improved user experience when viewing the details of an assessment
Various bug fixes for the Data Collector
2.1.0 (April 2020)
Added analysis and migration plans for both Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty targets
Added migration plan for IBM WebSphere Application Server traditional Base edition in containers
Support for modernization assessment tools of IBM Integration Bus
Data Collector enhancements
- Support for full configuration scan for WebSphere v6.1
- Support for full configuration scan for WebSphere without user credentials
- Support for scanning for Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty targets
- Support for zOS Data Collection
2.0.3 (February 2020)
Support for the analysis and migration of applications running on Red Hat JBoss application server
Integration with Accelerators for Teams
Alignment of assessment and migration targets with OpenShift
UI enhancements using Carbon 10 components
2.0.2 (December 2019)
Support for Red Hat Openshift Container Platform 4.2
User interface uplift to Carbon 10 Design System.
Addition of source code flow for application migrations.
Some new data collector enhancements, including:
- Support for the collection of applications that uses WebSphere Application Server "Editions"
- Detection of server level shared libraries
- Support for WebSphere variables in shared library paths
- Ability to scope the scan of shared libraries to only those shared libraries used by applications being scanned
- Ability to assess database dependencies for applications (information on database dependencies is currently only available through API's)
- Ability to scan applications that are not managed by the Websphere Application Server deployment manager
- Use of the binaryScanner v19.0.0.4
2.0.1 (September 2019)
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Support
IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor now runs on IBM Cloud Pak for Applications on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11. -
Red Hat OpenShift Migration Artifacts
Creation of migration artifacts that run on IBM Cloud Pak for Applications on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.