Controlling collection names

When data is uploaded Transformation Advisor automatically detects the host machine the data came from (the application server where the apps were running) and creates a corresponding collection and adds the applications there. In some cases the host name may not be meaningful, or due to the nature of virtualization all your different application servers may appear to have the same host name - so we provide a number of options to let you specify the collection name on upload.

Controlling the collection name using the discovery tool

You have two options for controlling the name of the collection when using the discovery tool

  1. Add the param --collection-name <arg> where <arg> is the name of the collection you want, when you execute the discovery tool.
  2. Edit the file uploadEndpoint.json in your discovery tool and add ?collectionName=<arg> to the attribute uploadEndpoint where <arg> is the name of the collection you want

Controlling the collection name using the filename

Transformation Advisor accepts zip files produced by the discovery tool for upload.
You can embed the name of the collection in the zip file name by adding __collectionName_<collectionName> to the file name.
For example you have a zip called
To assign it the collection name 'happy' on upload then you can change the name of the file to

Controlling the collection name using the UI

When uploading data via the UI the default option is to automatically detect the collection name. You can also choose to

  • Select and existing collection
  • Enter a collection name