Upgrading From Evaluation License


IBM® Cloud Transformation Advisor can be installed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and used for free for 90 days. After 90 days you will need entitlement to continue using the product. The following instruction should be followed when the 90 Day Free Evaluation period is over and you have purchased entitlements to a product containing Transformation Advisor.

Step 1: Get a key to the entitled registry.

An entitlement key for the software is associated with your MyIBM account. Get the entitlement key that is assigned to your ID.

  • Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with the IBMid and password that are associated with the entitled software.
  • In the Entitlement keys section, select Copy key to copy the entitlement key to the clipboard.

Step 2: Create an image pull secret for the entitled registry

Here is a sample command to create the image pull secret. Substitute in your own values for the entitled registry user and key.

oc -n <NAME_SPACE> create secret docker-registry <SECRET_NAME> --docker-server=cp.icr.io --docker-username=<ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER> --docker-password=<ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY>

Step 3: Update the Transformation Advisor instance.

Navigate to the Transformation Advisor instance in OpenShift Container Platform:

  • Click on Installed Operators and set the project to the project where Transformation Advisor is installed
  • Click through on the Transformation Advisor operator and then on the Transformation Advisor tab
  • Click on the listed instance, and then click on the YAML tab
  • Add the image pull secret for each Transformation Advisor image as follows:
  imagePullSecret: <SECRET_NAME>
  imagePullSecret: <SECRET_NAME>
  imagePullSecret: <SECRET_NAME>
  imagePullSecret: <SECRET_NAME>
  • Click the Save button
  • Allow several minutes for the Transformation Advisor containers to restart. After restarting, the containers will pull the images from the entitled registry. You can confirm by looking at the events for the containers to see an event which shows the entitled registry is used:
Successfully pulled image "cp.icr.io/cp/icpa/transformation-advisor-ui@sha256:<actual image digest here>" in 1.007108858s

Using a global pull secret

You may also configure the entitled registry credentials in the global pull secret on the cluster. In this case, you still need to add the imagePullSecret properties to the Transformation Advisor instance as described in step 3. However, instead of specifying a real secret, you can specify an arbitrary string as the secret name. For example:

  imagePullSecret: dummytapullsecret
  imagePullSecret: dummytapullsecret
  imagePullSecret: dummytapullsecret
  imagePullSecret: dummytapullsecret
