Calculation Order
Phase | Description |
1 | Currency translation codes B, M, K, L and N are calculated for all accounts using these. |
2 | Accounts with currency translation code D are calculated. |
3 | Opening balances, currency translation codes C and I, are calculated. |
4 | Historical rates, currency translation codes E, F, and G are calculated. |
5 | The currency translation differences, currency translation codes O and P are calculated. |
6 | All accounts are summed to summation accounts. |
7 | Currency translation code A is calculated. |
8 | All accounts are summed to summation accounts. |
9 | Currency translation code A2 is calculated. |
10 | All accounts are summed to summation accounts. |
11 | Values are copied from accounts with reconciliation rules to all accounts with the currency translation codes U, V, X and Z. |
12 | All accounts are summed to summation accounts. |
13 | Currency translation code A3 is calculated. |
14 | All accounts are summed to summation accounts. |
15 | The final currency translation difference, the balance item, is calculated and booked using the rules in the general configuration. |