Parameter List
Set this parameter to ON to enable the ability to schedule a batch job to perform database optimization. If set to OFF, then the Scheduled at check box does not appear in the Optimize Database window.
Value: ON, OFF
Use this parameter to define an email server to be used for sending emails from the Command Centers in IBM® Controller.
Value: Email server that supports SMTP.
The supported format is <user>@<server>:<port> where <server> is mandatory, while <user> and <port> are optional.
- C4_EMAIL_SERVER=server
- C4_EMAIL_SERVER=user_name@server:25
- C4_EMAIL_SERVER=server:25
When you publish from Controller to TM1® by using Controller Financial Analytics Publisher (FAP), then by default the automatic journals are transferred to an Elimination Company. Except for the automatic journal types 30 (rebooking of subsidiaries change in equity) and 37 (allocations) that always stays on the companies.
When you define the Server Preference with Variable Name ETYPE_EXCLUDE2, then the maximum number of characters for the automatics journal types is 50 characters when you define the Variable Value. The server preference CONTRVER_EXCLUDE2 was introduced to allow the definition of a Contribution Version in Controller to include the automatic journal types to be handled as ETYPE_EXCLUDE2 where ETYPE_EXCLUDE2 would require otherwise more than 50 characters.
When you do not define the server preference CONTRVER_EXCLUDE2 for a Contribution Version, then the automatic journal is moved to the elimination company.
In the Variable Value, enter the Contribution Version. For example, EXCL. Where EXCL is the Contribution Version that contains the automatic journal types to be handled in the same way as ETYPE_EXCLUDE2.
Use this parameter to indicate which period to start. If you use this parameter, historical data remains stored with the old consolidation model.
Use the DEJOURNAL_SUBMLOCK parameter to prevent users from booking values in company journals on accounts that belong to a locked submission.
When you set the DEJOURNAL_SUBMLOCK parameter to True, the following constraints apply:
- When you create a journal, you can select accounts that are not locked.
- When you change an existing journal, you can select accounts that are not locked.
- When you open a journal that has at least one locked account, then the journal is opened in read-only mode.
During data entry in company journals, the check for locked accounts is done. The check is not done during data entry in group journals.
Value: True or False
If you need to keep automatic journals other than 30 and 37 on the company level when you transfer data to the Controller FAP cube, then use the server preference ETYPE_EXCLUDE2. When you define the server preference ETYPE_EXCLUDE2 for an automatic journal type, then the automatic journals that are booked on subsidiaries are kept on the company level. If you use the server preference ETYPE_EXCLUDE2, then the automatic journals that are booked on subgroups in Controller are always transferred to the Elimination companies according to the level where the elimination happens according to the value of ktypkonc set in the Controller database). When you do not define the server preference ETYPE_EXCLUDE2 for an automatic journal type, then this automatic journal is moved to the elimination company.
Separate the automatic journal types by a comma. For example: ETYPE_EXCLUDE2 = 10,35,90.
Use the EXCEL_EXPORT_LOG parameter to log exports from Excel with fExpVal(). View the log file in Controller Client from the menu > .
Value: TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE.
Use this parameter to speed up the process of generating a tree view in the Define Company Structure window, which is useful if the company structure is very complex that is the window is opened faster with this parameter. Note that you must click Refresh to update the structure.
Value: TRUE or FALSE
When generating movement accounts, the account type of extensions with account type R or S are changed to that of the main account. This means that if the main account type is A, the movement account will be R, regardless of whether the account type is R or S in the movement extension. Main accounts with other account types generate type S in the movement account. If the parameter is not used, the generated movement account will always have account type according to the movement extension for statistical accounts.
Value: Yes or No
If this parameter is set to TRUE, the movement of capital between free and restricted equity, the Automatic Journal E800, will use a step by step logic when calculating the movement. If the parameter is set to FALSE, the Automatic Journal E800 will use the normal From bottom-calculation.
Value: TRUE or FALSE
Use this parameter to keep existing data on a number of periods, even if you migrated the last period previous year.
Value: 0312-0511, 0601-0608
The parameter includes two intervals.
Example: OLKOREP_AC = 0312-0511, 0601-0608
This means that the period 0512 was run with the new consolidation model, but not the other periods before and after 0512. Note that only Trial Balance, Journals Across, and the Ledger Report use this parameter.
If you use the server preference REFPERCHK = OFF, then you do not have to enter an investment date in the investment register with a date the year before the actual acquisition. This server preference is only applicable to implementations that use investment adjustments (the Dutch & Danish method).
Value: OFF and ON.
This parameter affects how the acquisition calculation creates OB values when previous period was not run and because of that does not contain any CB values. This period should be the OB period to the period that is first consolidated in the Controller installation.
Value: For example, if an installation for the first time, at startup, executes 0312, the start period should be 0212.
With this parameter you have a possibility to set a start period, which is needed for getting correct currency translation on OB accounts, for a specific consolidation type. This parameter is especially useful if that consolidation type is created later. All other consolidation types will use the original start period.
Value: XX=LE
Running 0401, consolidation type O2 will use start period 0312 while all other consolidation types will use start period 0112.
Use this parameter to specify which rows should include transformation information when importing external files using track data. Rows not specified will still be imported but they will exclude transformation information. We recommend that TRACKDATAROWS should be limited to a range of 30 000 rows.