Consolidating a period and actuality

You can run a quick consolidation without changing the consolidation parameters or you can run a regular consolidation where you can change the consolidation parameters.


To consolidate a period and actuality without changing the consolidation parameters, otherwise known as quick consolidation, do the following steps:

  1. In the submission status window, under Actions, click the Quick Consolidate icon for a period and actuality.
    The Run consolidation window opens, which displays the consolidation parameters. You can't change the parameters.
  2. Click Confirm.

To consolidate a period and actuality for which you want to change the parameters, do the following steps:

  1. In the submission status window, select Consolidate from the 3 dots icon actions icon for a period and actuality.

    The Consolidation parameters window opens with the parameters filled in. You can change the actuality, from and to periods, consolidation type, and group values in this window before continuing.

  2. Click Next.

    The Consolidation options window opens. The translation method is displayed.

  3. Select the submission to reconcile.
  4. Select any of the following check boxes:
    • Force consolidation regardless of status
    • Include Allocations
    • Include Advanced Formula Calculations
    • Include User-defined Business Rules
  5. Click Run.

What to do next

You can see a list of the consolidation jobs. For more information, see Viewing all consolidation jobs.