Form Dimensions

This table shows the different dimensions used to define the contents of a form.
Table 1. Dimensions that you can use to define the contents of a form
Dimension Description
Accounts The accounts to be used when entering values. You can select any accounts that exist in Maintain/Account Structure/Define. If you select accounts using extended dimensions, the relevant dimension level for these accounts must be defined on the Axes tab and only accounts with corresponding settings for extended dimensions will be available on the Row Definition or Column Definition tabs.
Actualities The actuality to be used when entering values. You can select any actuality defined in Maintain/Configuration/Define/Actualities.
Base Accounts The base accounts to be used in combination with the dimension Movement Extensions when entering values. You can select any base accounts defined in Maintain/Account Structure/Define, where the base accounts match the definition in the General Configuration, General 2 tab.
Companies The company to be used when entering values. You can select any company defined in Maintain/Company Structure/Define. By using the company code $$$$$$ in the form definition, you can select a group code and expand its company structure when entering values.
Extended Dimensions 1-4 The extended dimensions are used in combination with the dimension Accounts. You can select any extended dimension defined in Maintain/Extended Dim 1-4 Structures/Define.
Journal Types The journal type to be used when entering values. You can select any journal type defined in Maintain/Configuration/Define/Closing Versions/Journal Types. By using the journal type $$ in the form definition, you can select a closing version and expand all included journal types when entering values.
Movement Extensions The movement extensions to be used in combination with the dimension Base Accounts when entering values. You can select any movement extensions defined in Maintain/Account Structure/Movement Extensions - Define, where the movement extensions match the definition in the General Configuration, General 2 tab.
Periods The period used when entering values. You can enter the period in two ways; as a relative formula or as a relative period. Example, relative formula: N112 (Negative, one year, month 12) - shows the value for the previous year, month 12. P109 (Positive, one year, month 9) - shows the value for next year, month 9. Example, relative period: -12 - shows the value for the period 12 months before the current period. +3 - shows the value for the period 3 months ahead of the current period. The default setting shows periods corresponding to months. An alternative setting shows periods corresponding to weeks, if you use a weekly actuality.