You can print reports that track components of an account
based on imported data. The reports show what has been imported,
when using an import structure specification.
From the Transfer menu, click Log
Click the External Data Tracking tab.
Specify the From and To date
for the data import that you want to track and click Open.
A list of all data imports within the specified range appears.
If you want
to filter by a specific import specification, select the Use Filter check
box, and select an import specification from the list.
If you do not select a filter, all import specifications are
shown in the specification column.
Indicate whether you want to Sort by Controller or Sort
by Source.
If you want to exclude calculations and operations,
and only see the source mapping to
IBM® Controller, select the Exclude
Transformation Information check box.
If you also want to show the files imported by other users
to the same database, select the All Users check
box at the bottom left side of the screen.
Choose an import log and click the Preview or
the Print button to generate the report.
From the Maintain menu, click Configuration, General and
then, on the General 3 tab specify how long
you want to store the log reports before they automatically are