Example 2
The example shows the input parameters in a
general fGetVal function defining a calculation account.
=cc.fCalcVal(sPer,sAct,sComp,sCurr,sAcc,sDim1,sDim2,sDim3,sDim4,sJtyp,<cellref >)
The formula’s parameters can consist of various items of input data:
- All parameters except <acc> and <cellref> can be an IBM® Controller function, a string or a cell reference
- The parameter sAcc can be a string or a cell reference
- The parameter <cellref> can be a string containing a relative Microsoft Excel reference.
The following report formula shows how a value is saved in the CALC account CALCT040:
=cc.FCalcVal(’0012’,’AC’,cc.fComp(3),$E43,’CALCT040’,cc.fDim1,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ’,’ ’, ’$F$48’)
0012 = Period
AC = Actuality
cc.fComp(3) = The company in the 3rd system row/column in a report.
CalcT040 = Calc Account
cc.fDim1() = Dimension1, code, reference or function can be entered.
$F$48 = Reference to cell containing the value to be stored.
- The account must be a statistical account, which means that only account types R, S, T and U can be selected.
- If you use an Controller function, for example, fComp(), as input in fCalcVal you will run the calculation for the company you choose to run it for on the Group/Calculate Report Formulas menu.
- Use the Save Between Formulas option (Group/Calculate Report Formulas) if you have several calculation reports that interact with each other. For example if a fCalcVal formula uses a value that has been calculated by another FCalcVal formula in another report.
Tip: The option Show Calculated Values(Group/Calculate
Report Formulas) gives you a preview of the calculated