Calculate Fast Formulas

Here you can calculate simplified, static values and store them in the period database on calculation accounts.

The formulas are created in the Define Calculations window. The calculation accounts are defined in the Define Account Structures window. The difference between this function and Calculate Report Formulas is that Calculate Report Formulas may contain more complex formulas, which take longer to process. By using Calculate Fast Formulas you can calculate simpler key ratios and present them in user-defined reports. The account must be a statistical account, which means that only account types R, S, T and U can be selected.

Fast Formulas use account variables, period variables and a calculation definition as the template to create a Fast Formula. Account variables define which accounts will be used to calculate the Fast Formula and the mathematical formula that needs to be performed for each period. Period variables define for specific period(s) how the value generated for the account variable should be handled. Calculation definitions define which account variable and period variable will be used to generate the Fast Formula and on what account to store the calculation on.


  1. On the Group menu, click Calculate Fast Formulas. The Calculate Fast Formulas window opens.
  2. In the list box, select the calculation account you want to run.
  3. Enter the actuality, period and forecast actuality for which you want to calculate values.
  4. If you want to calculate values for all companies within a group, select the Group option button and enter the consolidation type and group code for which you want to calculate formulas. Select the Include Subgroups check box to include all subgroups’ values. If this is not selected, values from one level down will be used.
  5. Select the Groups Only check box to perform calculations for all companies classified as Group (i.e. companies classified as subsidiary will not be calculated).
  6. If you want to calculate values for a single company, select the Company option button and enter the company code for which you want to calculate formulas.
  7. Click the Run button. The calculation is performed. A message box appears when the calculation is completed. Click OK. The calculation accounts have been calculated and the values are stored in the period database table.
  8. Run the reports containing calculation accounts from the Reports/Run menu.