This function fetches period values for a given account, actuality, and period. The YTD values of two periods are used: the period itself and the period before. For the first period of the year, the period value is equal to the YTD value. This formula is suitable for profit and loss accounts.

The periodicity must be mentioned in the formula. It could be one month for a monthly consolidation or 3 months for a quarterly consolidation or 6 months for a half-year consolidation.

Syntax: VALPER (#accountt1#, AC, +0, 1)


VALPER( #account1#, AC, +0, 1): Period value for acc1 for the AC actuality and the executed period with a periodicity of one month. YTD values of the current period and the previous period are retrieved and the difference is calculated and booked as period value.

You can also get a period value of, for example, 3 months with this syntax: VALPER (#accountt1#, AC, +0, 3)

Missing values: VALPER missing values are treated as described in the following table:

Table 1. VALPER missing values
Dim combination PER-1 PER VALPER VALPER (first period)
EU CAR        
EU BIKE   7 7 7
US CAR 7   -7  
US BIKE 9 10 1 10