Create Calculation Reports
Calculation Reports are defined on the Reports/Create menu. Use the check box Calculation Report to define a report as a Calculation Report.
The only thing that actually differentiates a Calculation Report from an ordinary user defined report is that the Calculation Report is visible (and selectable) on the Group/Calculate Report Formulas menu.
- Create a new calculation report. Select Reports/Create and the option Calculation Report.
- Define axes, rows and columns as usual when creating a report and click Go to Layout in Excel.
- In the report, insert one or more fCalcVal formulas that performs the calculation, see IBM Controller Functions for more information. You fetch data from chosen accounts, re-arrange the output in the way you want and then with the help of the IBM Controller function fCalcVal you insert the values in the database. Remember not to use values in the system area (cell area C2-C26) as input in the fCalcVal function. The system area might be subject to change without any notice and then the reports will not work any more.
- Run the report to test that you get the right values. No values will get imported when you run the Calculation Report as an ordinary report using Reports/Run.