The Controller Link Is Missing in IBM Cognos Connection

You completed a distributed installation integrating IBM® Controller with IBM Cognos® Business Intelligence. When you access IBM Cognos Connection to start IBM Controller, the Controller link does not appear on the IBM Cognos Connection start page or on the studio bar.

Ensure that you installed the Gateway Integration Enabler on the IBM Cognos Gateway computer, and the IBM Cognos Connection Integration Enabler on the IBM Cognos application servers.

If you started the IBM Cognos service before the IBM Cognos Connection Integration Enabler was installed, you must restart the IBM Cognos service.

You may also need to verify that the URI for IBM Cognos Connection is correct. The URL parameter in the ControllerLaunch.xml file sets the link associated with Controller in IBM Cognos Connection. For a distributed installation, this must be the full URL for the Controller Client Distribution Server.


  1. Start IBM Cognos Configuration.
  2. From the Actions menu, if the service is currently running, click Restart, or if the service is stopped, click Start.
  3. To Verify That the IBM Cognos Connection Integration Enabler Is Installed, in the ccr_location/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/service directory, verify that the ControllerStudio.xml file exists.
  4. To Verify the URI for IBM Cognos Connection, if the Report Server and Controller Client Distribution Server are on different computers, set the URL to point to Controller Client Distribution Server:
    • In the ccr_location\templates\ps\portal\launch directory, open the ControllerLaunch.xml file in a text editor.
    • Change the value of the URL parameter from ../controller to the fully-qualified URI of the computer where Controller Client Distribution Server is installed, such as http://servername/cognos/controller
    • Save and close the file.