Define Closing Versions

Closing versions have to be defined before you can process and report company journals.

One or more journal types are connected to the new closing version. You can use the closing version to produce reports showing values for the company, based on the company journals you have created. A closing version contains the period's reported values, plus one or more journal types. It can also contain one or more journal types, without being combined with reported values. Here you define which journal types to include in different closing versions. The REPO closing version is predefined and must always exist in the system. REPO contains the company's reported values in advance of any company journals. If you do not create any company journals, this is the closing version that is used.

The total for a closing version, that is, the sum of the various journal types included is not saved in the databases under the closing version’s name, but is calculated each time it is requested.

The REPO closing version is pre-defined and must always exist in the system. REPO contains the company’s reported values before the effect of any company journals. If you do not create any company journals, this is the closing version that is used.


  1. On the Maintain menu, click Configuration/Define Closing Versions/Journal Types. The Define Closing Versions/Journal Types window opens.
  2. On the Closing Version tab, click the New button to create a new closing version. All fields are cleared for entry.
  3. In the code text box, enter a code for the closing version and then enter a description of the closing version in both languages in the name - group and name - local description boxes.
  4. In the Available Journal Types list box, select the journal types you want to add to the closing version and click the right arrow button. The selected items are moved to the Selected Journal Types list box.
  5. Click Save. To create a new journal type, open the journal types tab.


  • The total for a closing version, i.e. the sum of the various journal types included, is not saved in the databases under the closing version's name, but is calculated each time it is requested.
  • All available closing version are displayed in the code list box. The user rights determine which closing versions you have access to.
  • When working in this window, you should not create a closing version and a journal type with the same code.

Tip: Click the double-arrow button to move all items from the list of available items to the list of selected items.