Copy Company Journals over the Year-End - Alternative Rules

This section describes which alternative rules apply when copying company and group journals over a year-end. The alternative rules replace the basic rules in Steps 3 and 4 described above.

If you have defined the alternative rules for copying company and group journals over a year-end, the following applies to company journals as journal entries:

  • Steps 1, 2, 5 and 6 will be performed according to the basic rules above.
  • Instead of Steps 3 and 4, the value from the account that is configured to be used by the alternative rules is always added to the value created in Steps 1 and 2.
  • The copy rule for reversed verifications will be changed from R (Reversed) to F (Fixed).


  1. Select Maintain/Configuration/General and open the General 3 tab. Select the Copy Reversing Journals According to Alternative Rules and, or Copy Non-reversing Journals According to Alternative Rules check box
  2. Select Maintain/Account Structure/Define. If the value from the account is to be added to the value created in Steps 1 and 2 according to the basic rules, select the Reversing Journals and, or Non-reversing Journals check box.
  3. Select Maintain/Account Structure/Movement Extensions - Define. If the value from the movement extension is to be added to the value created in Steps 1 and 2 according to the basic rules, select the Reversing Journals and, or Non-reversing Journals check box.