Extract the Publish to Data Mart Model and Publish It to IBM Cognos Connection

You must unzip the Publish to Data Mart Framework Manager model and publish it to IBM® Cognos® Connection so that a report author can use the model in Report Studio for creating custom reports.

Before you begin

You must have IBM Cognos Framework Manager installed and configured before you can open the Publish to Data Mart model.


  1. Copy the CCR82_DM.zip file from the ccr_location/deployment directory to a location that is accessible by Framework Manager.
  2. Unzip the CCR82_DM.zip file to extract the CCR82_DM.cpf model.
  3. In IBM Cognos Framework Manager, from the File menu, click Open and go to the location of CCR82_DM.cpf project file and then click Open.
  4. In the Project Viewer, expand the CCR82_DM folder, under Packages, click CCR82_DM, and from the Actions menu, click Package and then select Publish Packages.
  5. Click Publish.

    A message informs you that the model is published under Public Folders CCR82_DM in IBM Cognos Connection.

  6. Click Finish and then click Close.
  7. Close Framework Manager.