Copy Historical Rates between Periods

In this function you can copy historical rates between periods and actualities.

About this task

  • When you copy Historical Rates between periods, the From and To currency codes are matched. This means that the historical rates only will be copied when values exist for both the From and To currency. You can select more than one currency code. The From and To Currency Code text boxes are enabled only if the option All Companies and Currency Codes is cleared.
  • There are no in-built year change rules for OB/CB in this copy function, but all accounts will be identical in From and To Period/Actuality.


  1. On the Group menu, click Copy/Historical Rates Between Periods. The Copy Historical Rates Between Periods window opens.
  2. In the Copy From area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates from. It is not possible to select several periods and actualities.

    In the Copy To area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates to. It is not possible to select several periods and actualities.

    Select the Clear Existing Historical Rates for Current Selections Before Copying check box to delete any values already registered for the selected companies, currency codes and target actuality/period.

    Click Run.

  3. If you want to copy historical rates for all currencies and companies, tick the All Companies and Currency Codes check box. All companies means all companies you have access to.