E300: Structural Changes - Adjusting Opening Balances

This control table creates an automatic journal with journal entries of OB when buying and selling within and outside the group, as well as when changing consolidation method or owned part.

The purpose is to automate bookings to the OB accounts and accounts for investments and disposals, when there are changes in the company structure. To create an automatic journal, you must update the company structure with information about when you sold the company, when you acquired it and how large part of the company the change refers to. You can do this by entering data in the investments register and then run Calculate ownership relations (valid for non-manual consolidation types), or by entering data directly in the company structure’s From Period/To Period fields (valid for manual consolidation types). The data that must be entered in the company structure is related to the period of change and owned share.

When E300 is used, each automatic journal type is booked. The exception is counter booking of BASE (reported) values, which are posted on automatic journal type 20.

You must set a unique journal number in the control table of E300. Otherwise, the calculations will not work as expected. Number 99 is the recommended number, as E300 must not use the same numbers as any IC journals.

In the control table, there are five columns for accounts. E300 has accounts for OB, investments, disposals, change of consolidation method and change in owned %. All bookings are done with the journal no of E300, except Change in owned %, which uses the journal no of the main control tables (for example, E700 Minority). It is not possible to select closing version, journal type, contribution version or offset account, since E300 will use the selections of the other automatic journals.

The B/E/I column relates to whether you should make a booking in a specific account for external (E) or internal (I) sales, or whether to always use the same account (blank). If E/I should be used the OB account is the same, but the accounts for investment/disposal are different and therefore E or I on the rows will define the B/E/I column.

Note: E300 does not work in the following situations:
  • Moving a company down in the same branch
  • Adding a lower subgroup in the same branch
  • Adding a higher subgroup in the same branch
  • Moving a company between branches and then removing the subgroup to which it belonged