Define Copy Tables
You can use this function to define a copy table that copies the values from one account code to another account. You can also copy values from several accounts and merge them to the same account.
When you want to copy values from an account that does not use dimensions to one that does, you have to specify the dimension codes. The same applies if the account you are copying from has a different dimension setting than the account you are copying to.
- On the Company menu, click Copy/Define Copy Table. The Copy - Define Copy Table window opens.
- In the From Account column, enter the account code from which you want to copy the value or select an account from the popup list box.
- In the Sign column, enter the sign with which to copy the value. Enter a plus sign (+) (default) to copy the same value or enter a minus sign (-) to copy the value with reversed sign.
- In the To Account column, enter the account code to which you want to copy the value or select an account from the list box.
- If applicable, in the Ext Dim 1-4 columns, enter the relevant extended dimension code for the account to copy the value to or select an extended dimension from the list box. Extended dimension codes are used when you want to copy values from accounts which are not divided into extended dimensions to accounts which are, or when the account to copy from have different dimension settings than the account to copy to.
- Click Save and then Close.
- The To Account must exist in the account structure.
- To print a report of the defined copy table, click the Print button.
- The dimension columns are only used when you want to copy values from accounts, which are not divided into dimensions to accounts that are, or when the account to copy from and the account to copy to have different dimension settings.