Expand the Dimension Structure

Follow the steps below to expand the dimension structure.


  1. In the list of dimensions, select the dimension level you want to view the underlying levels for.
  2. Click the Expand button. The dimension structure is expanded one level. Click the Expand button again to expand the dimension structure further. When all levels have been expanded, the structure is collapsed level by level when clicking the Expand button.


  • The user rights determine which extended dimensions you have read and/or write access to. Some extended dimensions may also be included in lock groups. See tab Lock Group.
  • You cannot give an extended dimension a name that is the same as a standard element in the system. If you do that, Reports Run will not work properly. Examples of standard elements are, for example, Currency and Account. You can see a complete list of these standard elements in the field Available in Reports Create, tab Axes.


  • Start with the highest level (the lowest number) when defining structures.
  • To make an extended dimension unavailable you can disable it in Maintain/Configuration/General, on the General 2 tab.