Copy Automatic Journals

An automatic journal may be copied in order to make slight adjustments to a predefined automatic journal.


  1. On the Maintain menu, click Configuration/Automatic Journals/Define. The Define Automatic Journals window opens.
  2. In the Automatic Journal text box, select the automatic journal you want to copy.
  3. Click the Save As button. A Save As dialog box appears.
  4. Enter the code of the new journal of no more than four alphanumerical characters. The code must not begin with the letters E, IC or IP. Click Save. The new automatic journal appears in the Automatic Journal text box and all settings from the original journal have been copied to the new journal.
  5. Change the automatic journal settings and click Save.
  6. Close the Define Automatic Journals window and open the Control Tables - Acquisition Calculations window to select the new automatic journal and define its control table.


  • The control tables are defined in the Control Tables - Acquisition Calculations window.
  • When you copy an automatic journal, only the definition of the automatic journal will be copied, not the corresponding control table.
  • The predefined automatic journals cannot be changed or deleted, only copied.