
IBM® Controller Web displays messages that indicate submission status changes and errors. These messages are called active notifications because they are triggered automatically by a user action.

The following types of notifications are available:
Success (green)
Displayed temporarily under the following conditions:
  • Change of a consolidation job status triggered by the current user
  • Change of reporting status for any form, company, and group in the applied company or group view filter by any user
  • Change of the locking status of a company in the applied company or group view filter by any user
  • Change of the locking status of a submission in the current project
Warning (yellow)
Displayed temporarily when you select a submission that contains an invalid form
Fail (red)
Displayed until you close them under the following conditions:
  • A consolidation job fails
  • Lock or unlock a company fails

You can disable notifications in the Settings tab.

For notifications to work correctly, your administrator must activate the audit trail on structures in the Cognos Controller Classic. For more information, see Enabling the tracking of structure changes.