Define Import Structure Specifications - the General Tab
On this tab you can create new import structure specifications or edit existing specifications.
You can define such features as:
- The structure that the specification will be defined for (Account Structure, Company Structure, Dim 1, Dim 2, Dim 3, Dim 4 or Currency Rates).
- The new specification's code.
- Which type of data file you want to import.
- How the import file is structured, that is, how the rows are separated and which separators are used between the different fields container structure information.
- A description of the current import structure specification.
Before you begin
Test run is an option only available when defining import specifications for external data. This means that all import structure specification when run will import structures directly to the IBM® Cognos Controller database. Therefore, if structures already exist, it is recommended to perform a backup prior to importing structures.
- On the Transfer menu, click External Structures/Define Import Structure Specification. The Define Import Specifications window opens.
- In the Structure list box, select the structure that you want to work with from the available options. The Structures available are: Account structure, Company structure, Dim 1, Dim 2, Dim 3, Dim 4 and Currency rates.
- In the Specification list box, select the specification you want to change, or click the New button and enter a new name and press the tab key.
- On the General tab, in the Source area, select the ASCII OEM option if the file to be imported is saved in DOS format or select the ASCII ANSI option if the file is saved in Windows format. If the specification will be used for import of staging tables, select Controller Staging Table.
- In the Line separator area, select CR if the file to be imported uses carriage return and line feed (normal). Select the Fixed Format option if the file Record Length is fixed, in that case also enter the Record Length in the text box.
- In the Blank Substitution Character text box, enter the character to be used instead of blanks (optional). If this option is selected the character should ideally be a character that is not expected to appear in the file to be imported.
- In the Row Continuation Character text box, enter the character used to specify that the information unit continues on the next row. Normally one row contains one information unit.
- In the Digit Grouping Symbol text box, enter the character used for digit grouping, normally a comma (,) or period (.). Leave the text box empty if the grouping symbol is blank or not applicable. Note that in comma delimited files, it is not possible to allow a digit grouping symbol to be a comma (,).
- In the Decimal Symbol text box, enter the character used for decimals, normally comma (,) or period (.).
- Select Expand tabs.
- Click Save.
Please note that when defining Import Structure Specifications, the tabs Fields (2), Distribute Accounts and Delete are not available for completion and are not required for a specification to be valid.