Run Reports - the Report Books Tab
You can use this tab to choose to run single reports (including reports containing calculation formulas), forms included in a report book, or a complete report book including all reports and forms that it contains.
The contents of each report book is defined on the Reports/Report Books menu and lists the reports and forms the user has read access or read and write access to. You can either print or generate the reports, forms, and report books, and store them as files.
Data Selections
When you print or generate reports you can either use the settings defined when the reports were first created or you can change the information in the window in respect of:
- Actuality
- Period
- Forecast Actuality
Output Selection
There are several options regarding how to process your report book:
- Predefined - Select the Predefined button if you want to run the report book with the output selected on the Reports/Report Books menu, the Output tab. Each report/form in the report book can have a different output predefined.
- Printer - Select a report book and click the print button to print the reports directly without previewing them.
- Preview - Click the Preview button to process the report in preview mode in Microsoft Excel.
- File - If you want to save the report book to a file, click File. Then enter the path, name and file extension of the file before you save it. No application is opened when you save the report book.
- E-mail - If you want to send a report book by e-mail, click the E-mail button. Then enter the recipient, and if necessary a message to the recipient, before sending the report book. This requires that you activate the e-mail function in the general configuration, where you also can select in which format the file is sent.