Run Reports - the Reports and Forms Tab

You can use this tab to run reports and forms in many different ways.

Enter the parameters that apply to the report/form you want to run. You can also choose to pre-define these parameters when creating the report/form. You can choose to process the report in different ways, for example:

  • Send the report via e-mail.
  • Save the report as a separate file.
  • Display the report on the screen.
  • Print the report.


  1. On the Reports menu, click Run. The Run Reports window opens.
  2. On the Reports and Forms tab, select the report/form you want to run.
  3. Only the dimensions that need input in the selected reports and forms will be shown (if you run a report from Microsoft Excel, all dimensions will be shown) in the dimension list box. Enter the dimensions for which you want to run the report.
  4. Under View Reports, select the relevant option for how to view the reports:
    • Reports and Forms: The reports can be user-defined reports or calculation reports (reports with CALC accounts). The reports displayed have either been created in Reports/Create or in the IBM® Cognos® Controller Link for Microsoft Excel and saved as IBM Cognos Controller reports. The reports may contain predefined dimensions defining what companies, accounts etc to run the report for. The forms displayed have been created in Maintain/Form Structure/Define and are available for entering period values. The forms may also contain predefined dimensions defining what companies, accounts etc to run the form for.
    • Reports and Forms by Report Books: The report books can include user-defined reports, calculation reports (reports with calculations accounts) and forms. The report books displayed have been created in Reports/Report Books. If you do not want to pre-define any parameters for Report Books, but want to see reports included in a book and select parameters, select this option. Mark all the relevant reports and make your selections.
  5. Under Show Zero Values, select the relevant report option for how to show zero values. Note that it is not possible to omit empty values in columns or rows for forms. If you want to do that, you have to create a report.
    • Show Rows
    • Show Columns
  6. Under Report Conversion, select method for report conversion. Here you select if the report should be converted from the standard report format. The report conversion functionality is only working when you use Save As, Send to Application or Send as e-mail (and choose Excel). The functionality is not working with Print or Preview. The Report Conversion functionality applies to reports only, not forms.

    Select Values if you want to display all results as values and not as formulas. All functions are copied and then pasted as values into the same sheet. Use this kind of report when you, for example, want to make a presentation.

    Select IBM Cognos Controller Link for Microsoft Excel if you want the result of the report to be converted into the IBM Cognos Controller Link for Microsoft Excel format. All functions that are applicable in the report generator only are converted to Values.

  7. Click Preview to generate the report.


  • Group Perspective is used for presenting the eliminations belonging to a specific group.
  • The favorites you have selected in other functions will not appear when you use the Favorites tab in the Run Reports window. Here you have to select specific favorites for the Run Reports function.
  • If you generate Forms from Excel and use regional numbers, the regional settings will not be valid. The default number format set in Create Layout will be used in the report.