Generate Comment Reports

This report prints all comments entered by reporting companies at data entry.


  1. On the Group menu, click Reports/Comments. The Reports - Comments window opens.
  2. Select the relevant report option:
    • Comments by Company
    • Comments by Account
  3. Enter the actuality and period for which you want to generate the report.
  4. If you want to generate the report for a group, select the Group option button, enter a consolidation type and enter the group code in the text box. Select the Include Subgroups check box to include all subgroup values in the report.
  5. If you want to generate the report for a company, select the Company option button and enter the company code in the text box.
  6. Enter the currency type for which you want to generate the report.
  7. If you want to generate the report for a form, select the Form option button and enter the form code in the text box.
  8. If you want to generate the report for an account, select the Account option button and enter the account code in the text box. Only accounts defined to use comments are available.
  9. If you want to see amounts booked on the accounts in the report, select the Show Values check box. If you include amounts, the report will be printed with Landscape orientation, for layout reasons.
  10. Click the Preview button to generate the report.