Example 1
You want to calculate Return on Investments,
i.e., Net Income of the Year/(Total Equity + Long Term Liabilities)
The following accounts are defined in the account structure: PROFIT, 290, 230, CALCROI1 and CALCROI2.
Information in the Reports/Define Calculation window:
Account Definition tab
Variable | Name | Formula |
INV | Total Equity + Long Term Liabilities | #290+#230 |
PROF | Net Year Profit | #PROFIT |
Period Definition tab
Variable | Actuality | Sign +/- | Formula | Average |
P12 | AC | + | +0 |
Calculation Definition tab
Calc Account | Calc Account Name | Account Variable | Account Variable Name | Period Variable | Multiselect Copy From |
CALCROI1 | ROI numerator | PROF | Net Year Profit | P12 | |
CALCROI2 | ROI denominator | INV | Total Equity + Long Term Liabilities | P12 |
Run the function Calculate Fast Formulas for the calculation accounts CALCROI1 and CALCROI2. When the calculation is finished you can run the user-defined report where the two calculation accounts are divided and calculate the key ratio ROI.