Example 1

You want to calculate Return on Investments, i.e., Net Income of the Year/(Total Equity + Long Term Liabilities)

The following accounts are defined in the account structure: PROFIT, 290, 230, CALCROI1 and CALCROI2.

Information in the Reports/Define Calculation window:

Account Definition tab

Table 1. Example 1 Account Definition tab variables and formulas
Variable Name Formula
INV Total Equity + Long Term Liabilities #290+#230
PROF Net Year Profit #PROFIT

Period Definition tab

Table 2. Example 1 Period Definition tab information
Variable Actuality Sign +/- Formula Average
P12 AC + +0  

Calculation Definition tab

Table 3. Example 1, Calculation Definition tab information
Calc Account Calc Account Name Account Variable Account Variable Name Period Variable Multiselect Copy From
CALCROI1 ROI numerator PROF Net Year Profit P12  
CALCROI2 ROI denominator INV Total Equity + Long Term Liabilities P12  

Run the function Calculate Fast Formulas for the calculation accounts CALCROI1 and CALCROI2. When the calculation is finished you can run the user-defined report where the two calculation accounts are divided and calculate the key ratio ROI.