The intercompany report

The main report displays transactions based on the selections you made in the selection window. You can expand on nodes, from the company level, into more details on:
  • Counter Company
  • Report Number
  • Counter Dimension
  • Account/Counter Account.

Note that only accounts that contain data will be displayed in the report.

The Company column in the report relates to the Account, Amount and Transaction amount columns.

The Difference Amount column is always displayed. The Difference (%) is only displayed if you select Use relative difference % in the selection window. The column displays if the difference is within the accepted tolerance. The Difference Amount column controls the accepted difference when relative difference is not used.

The value in the Within accepted Difference column is based on the Difference Amount and the value defined as Largest accepted difference in the selection window. The value is aggregated from the lowest level. All lower level must have value Yes in order to get summation levels higher up set to Yes.

Values will only be displayed in the transaction columns for accounts coded with intercompany code J (intercompany with transaction currency). Values in the Transaction currency, Transaction amount, Counter transaction amount and Difference transaction amount will not be displayed if the selection in the selection window results in data for I-coded accounts only (intercompany without transaction currency).

You can filter the content of the report with the selections at the top of the report.

Summation rules

For amount and counter amount summations, there is no distinction between profit and loss accounts and balance sheet accounts. Values from the lowest level are summed up to counter dimension, report number, counter company and to a total for the columns Account and Counter Account. The only values that are not summations are values on the account level.

Transaction amounts are summed in the same way but are only summed up to a report number level. Values in different currencies are summed and the currency codes are displayed in the Transaction code column.

Values are presented without extended dimensions. To view details of values, go to IC Transaction Details. For more information, see View transaction details.

Difference amounts

Difference Amount and Difference (%) are calculated on each summation level.

Difference Amount and Difference transaction amount are calculated as (transaction) amount + (transaction) counter amount.

Difference (%) is calculated as the absolute value of Difference Amount divided by the maximum absolute value in amount or counter amount.

Currency translation

The report can be run in any active currency code. You do not have to perform any initial currency translation. Values in local currency will be translated to B, M, or D rates when running the report.

Note: For D rate, the translation will use the currency rates entered in Data Entry - Currency Rates. Previous period values are not included in the calculation.